I'm having an issue where the journalBatch queue is just filling up with 
messages and no writes are happening to Cassandra.

After examining the heap dump and thread stacks I can see that the variable 
Eventsourced.writeInProgress set to 'true' which prevents writes of the 
messages in journalBatch into Cassandra based on this source snippit from 
the Akka source:

private def flushJournalBatch(): Unit =
  if (!writeInProgress && journalBatch.nonEmpty) {
    journal ! WriteMessages(journalBatch, self, instanceId)
    journalBatch = Vector.empty
    writeInProgress = true

 I'm using version 2.4.16 of Akka with Cassanra 3.9. I have a custom 
serializer for the objects I'm writing to the journal. There are no errors 
or warnings in the logs. Trying to figure out is there some error that 
isn't thrown, or the WriteMessagesSuccessful message is somehow ending up 
in dead letters. Initially I suspected a hung Cassandra write but the 
circuitBreaker pattern AsyncWriteJournal.receiveWriteJournal should timeout 
after 30 seconds if I understand the pattern. I'm running out of threads to 
pull on this. Since it only happens under load and often after several 
hours we're having issues figuring this one out.



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