
Some time after upgrading to Akka-HTTP 10.0.3, these errors started 
appearing in rare cases, in as yet unknown circumstances.

> Sending an 2xx 'early' response before end of request was received... 
> Note that the connection will be closed after this response. 
> Also, many clients will not read early responses! 
> Consider only issuing this response after the request data has been 
> completely read!

The code snippet with more or less relevant part of code:
post {
  extractRequestContext { ctx =>
    val uploadF = Future {
      Files.createTempFile(destPath.getParent, "", ".tmp")
    }(filesystemEc) flatMap { tmpPath =>

      withTemporaryFile(tmpPath){ () =>
        for {
          _ <- 
          lastModifiedTime <- commit(tmpPath, destPath)
        } yield lastModifiedTime

    onComplete(uploadF) {
      case Success(lastModifiedTime) =>
      case Failure(ex: FileSystemException) if {
        val lowerMessage = ex.getMessage.toLowerCase
        lowerMessage.contains("disk quota exceeded") ||
          lowerMessage.contains("no space left on device")
      } =>
          status = StatusCodes.RequestEntityTooLarge,
          entity = HttpEntity("Disk quota exceeded")

      case Failure(ex) =>
        throw ex


private def withTemporaryFile[T](tempFile: Path)
                                (body: () => Future[T]): Future[T] = {
  val result = body()

  result.recoverWith {
    case e =>
        .flatMap(_ => result)

Can someone help and tell me what is wrong?


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>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
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