Timer of GroupedWithin does not seem to be working. In this example, I am 
not getting any messages even after expiry of duration (10 seconds) even 
though 7 items are available in Kafka. If I produce 3 more items, then I am 
getting the entire desired batch (10 items). Please see the snippet below.

akka & akka streams Version = "2.4.19"

akka-stream-kafka Version = "0.17"

Am I missing anything? Thank you.

val consumerSettings: ConsumerSettings[Array[Byte], String] = 
ConsumerSettings(ActorSystemContainer.system, new ByteArrayDeserializer, new 
  .withProperty(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest")

Consumer.committableSource(consumerSettings, Subscriptions.topics("topic-1"))
  .groupedWithin(10, 10.seconds)
  .mapAsync(1) { group =>
    val msgs =  group.toList.map(_.record.value())
    saveToDB(msgs )
  .map(group => group.foldLeft(CommittableOffsetBatch.empty) { (batch, elem) => 

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