You could potentially use the query side of Akka Persistence (eventsByTag)
to stream requests for email sends, feeding failures back into the journal
with the same tag, so they reenter the stream.

On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 5:16 AM, Traven <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a simple Play application that does some statistical analysis of
> data and alerts customers with alerts when something is wrong. Sometimes it
> happens, that sending alert fails (SMTP server down, network errors) etc.
> I was thinking of a way to make the email sending process more resilient
> by using some features of Akka Persistence (I'm quite new here), so the
> workflow I was considering:
> 1. Persistent actor receives request to send email alerts.
> 2. Alerts are persistence with akka persistence plugin.
> 3. Alerts are sent by the actor.
> However, the problem I see in this is that if Actor crashes and replays
> all messages I would send duplicates (or worse) of emails, so I would have
> to clear the messages myself, which kind of misses the point of using actor
> at all.
> Is Persistent Actor the right approach to solve these kind of problems?
> Should I solve this problem the `default` way by just using some external
> storage for all non-sent mails (e.g. Kafka queue)?
> --
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