Hi Tal,

Thanks a lot for taking it for a spin and sharing feedback. Comments

sön 28 jan. 2018 kl. 14:10 skrev Tal Pressman <kir...@gmail.com>:

> I finally had the chance to use Akka Typed, and wanted to share my
> experience. So basically, I took a small demo project that was based on
> untyped actors, and implemented it using typed ones. (This is based on
> 2.4.8, but I think most of it is still relevant)
> To start off with the good things:
> * Typed actors completely eliminated bugs involving mixing up `ActorRef`s
> - passing wrong refs, mixing up order of parameters, sending responses to
> the wrong place.
> * The functional approach taken for typed actors (behaviors returning the
> next behavior) also eliminated bugs that revolved around "doing stuff from
> `Future` callbacks".
> * The thing I was probably worried about most - not having `sender` any
> more - turned out to be a non-issue. In fact, because now it has to be on
> the received message, it makes it immutable, thus helping with the
> `Future`-related bugs.
> Now for the "annoyances" (in no specific order):
> * Using the various factory methods to create behaviors means you don't
> have direct access to "protected" behavior methods, most notably the
> ActorContext. If you need it, you either use `Actor.immutable` and get a
> "new" context with each message, or you use Actor.deferred which is a bit
> more clunky (you need a function that returns a behavior, which is itself a
> function).

That is “only” when you need the context when the actor is started. When
receiving messages the context is always there as a parameter.

One  perhaps related thing is that for a “more complicated” actor you
typically want to break it up in many methods/functions and you have to
pass a lot of parameters around to all. I’m not sure if that is only me
that see that as somewhat annoying. One way is to anyway create an
exclosing class and keeping such common parameters there. Especially in
Java I think that will often be used. (Or use mutable behavior).

> * This is more of a Scala type-inference issue, but having to specify the
> type when using `ask` is pretty annoying. What seems to work best for me is
> having utility methods
> on the "actor" that return `ActorRef[Response] => Message`, but it's a bit
> boilerplatey.

There is a new actor-to-actor ask. Would be interesting to hear what you
think of that.

> * Another issue related to asking is that there is no equivalent to
> untyped ask's Status.Failure. If the "request" can fail, this has to be
> modeled in the response (replying with a `Try`, or something equivalent),
> and means that now the caller has 3 cases to handle instead of 2. So now
> instead of ask-map-pipe in one line, it turns into
> ask-transform(3 cases)-foreach.

Failure case is only for timeout, and in the actor-to-actor ask that is
represented as a specific message that you define.

> * No "easy" access to logging - there's already a PR waiting for this, so
> not really an issue.
> Overall, though, I have to say it's shaping up real nicely. I'm looking
> forward to see what happens to it next.

Glad to hear that. Yes, we agree, it’s going to be awesome.


> Tal
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