Sent to lfs-dev, since I am not sure everybody using jhalfs
monitors alfs-discuss. I've made several updates to jhalfs lately:

- generate an /etc/adjtime file for systemd. This involves a new variable
named LOCAL, which is set in System configuration-->Console configuration.
LOCAL is taken into account for Sysv too.

- generate /etc/sysconfig/console for Sysv and /etc/vconsole.conf for
systemd. Jhalfs sets unicode mode by default, so that FONTMAP
is not needed. If you need special things (FONT_UNIMAP,
KEYMAP_CORRECTIONS, or UNICODE=0 and FONTMAP), do them manually.
There are too many cases for jhalfs being able to get them all.
Note that a new variables LOG_LEVEL is introduced in
System configuration-->Console configuration, and is added to the
/etc/sysconfig/console file for Sysv (I do not know where it is
set for systemd)

- copy host's /etc/resolve.conf to /run/systemd/resolve for systemd

- add a chroot1 target in jhalfs Makefile (may be handy
to do something manually in chroot, when chapter06 is not yet completed)

- update the "teardown" target (unmounting of virtual filesystems)
to reflect what is in the book.

Note that you need an LFS book at revision 11555 or later for console
files and /etc/adjtime.

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