Sounds like you need some sort of semaphore system to lock cells in
the hash table. Essentially it would only give one user access to a
particular cell at any given time. Make sure that the cells have a
restricted interface so that they can only be accessed through the
semaphore-controlled interface. The write interface would attempt to
get the semaphore, and if successful, write the data and then release
the semaphore. If it failed, it would return a failure notice to the
caller. The read interface would check the semaphore and if it was
open, get the data.

On Aug 11, 5:15 am, Navneet Gupta <> wrote:
> Q. Design a concurrent hash table with as much as concurrency as possible.
> System has multiple readers and writers. System will crash if a reader or
> writer is reading or writing from a location which is being updated by some
> writer. We need to prevent crash.
> It is pretty much an open-ended question, so basically looking for
> strategies.
> --
> Regards,
> Navneet

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