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------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Apr  7 08:49:50 +0000 
2008 -------
1. The (table) behavior of OOo does not meet your expectations in some cases. We
should discuss every issue and see what we could/should/need to do.
2. Your conclusion is that these issues do have a common root cause (the table
model) and that we should change these model to get rid of the issues.
3. You ask some "why" questions (Why should anyone what something, why do we
have handle row and columns differently)

ad 2: I do not think that we need to change the table model (again) to meet your
expectations. Every issue you mentioned could be fixed within the current table
model. But I don't think that we need to discuss this. It's only an
implementation detail. We need to discuss your issues and decide which have to
be fixed. And if I'm wrong and it would be better to change the table model
again, I will be fine with this.

ad 3: Why should somebody want to get a cell "out of sync"?
Maybe for layout reasons? If the content of just one cell of my table does not
fit into the cell and I do not want to extend the width of the whole column. At
least there was a demand for this feature, normally you move the column with the
mouse. Only if you press this modifier, you are able to move a single cell 

Why do we handle rows and columns differently?
I think there is a quiet natural difference between horizontal and vertical
direction. English writing direction is horizontal (left-to-right), the text
flow vertical. In horizontal direction the space is limited (by the page
border), in vertical direction the text flows to the next page if necessary.
This does not only hold for paragraphs outside a table, this is valid for the
content of cells as well. The width of columns is fix, the height of rows is
variable (as default), they could grow if the content needs it. If I insert a
new column to a table, the width of the table does not grow, the other columns
have to shrink. If I add an additional row to a table, the table height grows.
If I have a 3x3 table, my expectation to cursor traveling is for cursor-right:
A1->A2->A3->B1->B2->B3->C1->C2->C3->leave table
For cursor-down: A1->B1->C1->leave table (and not C1->A2->B2->C2->A3...)
And what about the content? A typical table content could be data from a data
base. Normally every column would represent data of the same type (e.g. number,
date or text). Every row would represent a set of data of different types (e.g.
name, birthday, address of a person).
That's why I think it is no problem if we handle rows and columns differently in
some cases.
But if you create a table with fixed row heights and play around with our merge
and split algorithm, does it fit to your expectation?
And yes, I have been caught by the horizontal/vertical naming for splitting
cells. A vertical split creates cells with the same horizon, that confused me
:-/ But luckily there is an icon in that dialog, "a picture is worth more than
1000 words".

Which behavior is optimal, row or column? Because rows and columns are
different, there is no optimal behavior for both in every case. E.g. for the
current naming convention of cells I would prefer the "column" convention but
for rows it is not possible to use the same convention.

ad 1: I tried to figure out, in which cases our current table handling does not
meet your expectation, I found these five issues:
1) Cursor traveling: that's the easy one, if the first cell of a table is
merged, the cursor traveling does not meet my expectation in the case you
described as well. This is a bug, but a fix will surely not need a renewed table
model. Maybe we need to improve our cursor model but not the table model.
2) Splitting cells vertically: this could be improved by an additional option
(with/without equal proportions). Our table model "knows" the widths of every
column so I do not need to change our table model. To invoke such option is not
a big task. (And the result will be that we will get rid of another difference
in row/column handling).
3) Splitting cells: Change the dialog strings from horizontal/vertical into
row/column. No big deal, if user experience agree with this.
4) Naming convention: The both discussed naming conventions can be delivered by
our table model, it's an easy algorithm which converts "my" convention into
"yours". So I would be able to change this naming scheme without any change of
the table model. So we have three possibilities: leave the naming unchanged,
switch to another naming or make the naming convention arbitrary.
5) Merging cell has unexpected effect: A row seems to vanish because of their
minimum height of 0,01cm (Yes, I mean row height with checked "Fit to content")
if there is no content which overlaps to this row. This does not make the table
model unreliable because the model does it job, it merged the cells and the
layout does it job, too. It layouted like the properties are set. But to get rid
of this unexpected effect, such "merged" row could get automatically another
value for its minimum height. This is what another word processor does and again
there is no need for another table model.

Every issue is worth to be submitted and discussed separately. For 1) and 2) I
agree that they should be fixed/implemented, it's just a matter of resources and
priority. 3), 4) and 5) could be done but this has to be discussed and decided
with the input of other customer and user experience.
I do not see a common root cause for these issues and do not agree that handling
them separately would be hacking on the symptoms only.
I do not have a skype handle but of course we could discuss things off-line
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) if they do not fit into this issue.

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