User ace_dent has changed several issues in qa
project.  Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with:

 38864       enabling registering of python-uno-components during the packaging 
 27582       MINGW: Changes to config_office
 46467       more system stuff
 43430       Build fail in np_sdk
 42670       scp2 missing semicolon in  gid_File_Share_Xdg_Math
 51281       break in stoc : jvmaccess/unovirtualmachine.hxx not delivered
 47680       Enable the build of the crashdump only when --enable-crashdump is 




The Patch you submitted has been marked as 'Resolved' and not updated within the
last 2 years+. I am therefore setting this issue to 'Verified' as the first step
towards Closing it. If you feel this is incorrect, please re-open the issue and
add any comments.

Many thanks,
Cleaning-up and Closing old Issues as part of:
~ The Grand Bug Squash, pre v3 ~

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