User oc has changed several issues in qa
project.  Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with:

 88718       Show quantity of selected cells in the "Name Box" of the Formula 
 90154       Option for always using preferred grid line color
 89604       autocorrection word-replacement can't be undone for single word in 
 75880       Add "Cut Overlapping Empty Cells" option to UI
 67893       vertical-stacked text in a cell doesn't wrap
 71228       Reconsideration on a key bind inserting a line break in a cell of 
 85540       Insert > Link to External Data applies number formatting
 77955       "Insert->Sheet From File...": Default name should be based on file 
 87717       Nice to have: cells in rhombus style 
 70699       Sort data by physical order / flip data in a range
 89090       Calc runs Slow w/ links to other excel sheets
 89251       Shortcut Keys for Spreadsheets
 72330       Have to specify which oo component file should open in every time
 87246       Opening of spreadsheet after last inserted line of old and newly 
write protected contents
 70689       format codes for text
 72597       provide support for output radix conversion
 87979       Data Field Options - Hide items (can't select all or unselect on)
 89952       DataPilot: Disabled option in "Select Source" dialog disturbs user
 85984       Relative reference shortcut not working in function wizard
 89414       Page Break preview obstructs content
 89010       Need a configuration option to let user select default font for 
CJK text
 86049       Column limitation in SpreadSheet (enhance to > 16k)
 91399       Calc cell fitting: indicator in Filled mode
 76847       Define Names Doesn't Fully Work
 88569       [RFE] Make existing array formula edit easier for user
 77952       The "Insert Sheet" dialog should remember selections.
 88378       notify user when auto inserting parentheses
 89877       dBase import lacks char set Greek (DOS/OS2-737)
 82203       Disallow change of cell format if it dosen't agree with the content
 75876       New Conditional Formatting
 70681       error messages are insufficiently terse
 64417       Function of Anchor Button can not be understood easily
 90923       missing 'standard filter' conditions
 75950       Open Office / Calc - Cannot easily set print orientation
 82759       When Deleting a Name in Define Names the List Position is Not 
 84667       Range Naming non-consecutive cells
 88958       calc - Conditionally formatting of date
 89016       Please increase (or even make configurable) scanrange of autoinput
 90493       XLS and flash file embedded
 76841       Copy \ Insert - Paste \ Paste Special
 87636       links to "external data" done with Excel are lost when saving a 
document with OOo
 82894       Incorrect values displayed
 91328       Standard filter extension
 86838       worksheet highlighting
 91373       Automatically convert cell to proper data type
 70015       Position of AutoFill handle when entire row/column is selected
 84300       if we choose none for page number, the word "page" shouldn't appear
 74397       Copying hidden cells into another workbook
 83768       save as csv needs to allow setting of "end of line" character(s)
 76515       Decimal places should be "undefined" for default view.
 89416       Page numbers often unreadable in Page Break preview 
 79993       Move the "Save As" for limited formats (such as csv) to "File - 
 89192       formula evaluation
 77373       autocorrect recognize url triggered by Enter
 84422       Focus placement during data selection for Calc function
 88306       Paste into multiple cells
 75279       improvement for BINOMDIST
 84411       Copy while whole column selected should trim trailing cells
 86758       Improve categorisation of Calc functions
 86840       Cell Highlight Counting
 71110       Need "import" option under "file" menu
 91371       Add Mixed Formatting in Cells
 86711       Improved Zoom button
 77763       Can not edit contents capitalization when AutoInput is on
 69816       Scroll Lock turn on/off smooth row scrolling
 89477       calculated field in datapilot
 72229       Separate UI date format setting needed for Calc
 88076       There is no way to set the default font in calc notes
 87477       Add feature to Calc which allow saving of sheets as separate files
 72596       provide support for input radix conversion
 89640       Calc - footer formatting features and footer troubles
 90270       Working with multi selected cells
 90495       User selected default cell formats
 74823       AutoFormat not available for small selections
 84899       datapilot : Select and display the same value several times
 91425       Copy/Paste csv file
 85975       when sorting, title line is not saved as title line
 82504       No Static Border or Line Type Selection
 89046       conditional cell layout
 89602       Page Preview
 72379       Autosum reveals protected cell value
 90476       Image cropping in Calc needs mouse tools
 76513       "Decimal places" option should move from "Calculate" to "View"
 64929       Hyperlinks are created that do not look like traditional hyperlinks
 89103       maps of the program
 90901       search within filtered data
 88903       print selected doesn't work in calculator
 90581       Option to prevent auto completion of date
 86388       Entry of line break in input line
 90899       Logitech MX3200 Horizontal Mouse Scroll w/tilt wheel 
 85468       Need .25 pt dotted/solid lines to separate cells in Calc
 88909       Input the font file it is displayed at the formatting tool bar.
 89078       GETPIVOTDATA doesn't allow to reference a data pilot in another 
 87659       Menu-entry (and keyboard shortcut) to fire off non-formula paste
 90963       past into autocad
 71209       data entry should optionally be locale-independent
 77722       Add UI consistency to "datarange selection" widgets
 88217       No indicator to Move cell 
 77950       The "Text Import" dialog should remember selections from the last 
 87738       create 3D "MATLAB graph"
 89035       Tab does not submit autocompletion
 85537       italian translation
 64563       Add possibility inserting Date into cell through calendar window
 85823       Calc: text-only cut / copy / paste option
 71362       Controlling the speed of selection
 87934       red color for negative figures
 68652       Apostrophe on the first position becomes invisible. That leads to 
 90226       leading numerical char + operator = formula
 75987       regular expression in calc formula
 84375       Setting defaults for paste triggered "text import"
 88566       [RFE] Auto cell name insertion with out formula corruption
 86712       Zoom on selection
 84635       paste special unicode should be in one step
 76596       status display when importing data from database
 68726       Cursor Movement/Highlight & Move
 77956       "Insert->Sheet From File...": Select multiple files.
 89404       Home unpredictable
 86665       Split behaviour and FIND is annoying under certain scenarios
 75621       Calc: better for autocomplete to preselect the nearest matching 
content, instead of the first one
 76577       Add SQL export
 89410       Cell font format unpredictable
 77391       Calc: Navigation buttons "forward" and "backward" for hyperlink 
 85845       conditional fomat looses correct cell link when colums are deleted
 91494       The sizes of the Japanese fonts inputted in the text of the object 
inserted using the drawing tool of Calc 
 91137       Move or copy rows, columns, cells as in Excel (MS Office)
 78981       Import of Base text - Import-Window doesn't react initially
 90236       Calc doesn't retain the path of source file's
 89145       scroll whell doesn't work in page preview in calc
 75881       wish: predefine shortcuts for CALC->MENU:edit->MENU:fill options
 64605       Creating a "transposed" summary list
 90821       Pick dates in cells with "Date Picker"
 89275       JAN or Jan is not recognized as the beginning of a month list in 
 84363       full precision in complex numbers formatted cells
 84968       Universal Sheet Naming Convention
 90455       e-mail as excel: user cannot choose excel version
 86337       Make double-clicking on percentage formatted cell function the 
same as single-click
 76836       Feature Issue - Lack of Multiple Selection on Define Names
 74733       AutoFill should continue numerical trends
 76548       Navigator should show hidden/protected sheets differently
 91450       Feature-Request: change standard date format 
 77435       Edit cell when clicking on a selected cell
 86479       opening CSV file: offer labeling from first column/row
 76628       Join 2 tables in Calc
 89398       Page preview zoom always resets to 100%
 91569       formula names shouldn't be translated
 88896       allow dragging of rows/columns by headings
 89714       Click on a shortcut - Functions areas doesn't update
 89621       Calc should warn about REF errors
 80139       Avoid ERRORS in duplicate Spreadsheets and Data
 82220       Control element forms and linked cell
 90153       Split Grid lines color in two (user pref and spreadsheet setting)
 90706       User thinks calc won't print or prints wrong page.
 89980       Calc: Implement statistical SUMMARY() function
 89266       autofiller incrementing of non-round numbers doesn't make sense
 68964       OO fails to import a function that builds the reference page and 
range as a text string
 77953       "Insert Sheet" dialog: Use "Name" field also for imported file.
 70926       add line style
 69446       unlinked Header/Footer Background Image has undetermined size 
(despite jpeg has a dpi value)
 71059       Add a configuration to the NETWORKDAYS function to include Sat/Sun 
 87328       Default Formating of Spreadsheet
 85946       CSV import - auto-detect delimiters
 89673       New feature: View -> Custom views...
 90176       Remove the caption "Filter" in DataPilots
 90497       Macro
 89082       Ctrl + Shift + (NumPad)"+" should not act as Ctrl + (NumPad)"+"
 77213       Graph on duplicated sheet becames linked to duplicated sheet's data
 81851       It seems impossible to convert a text into an address and 
therefore it is apparently impossible to calculate addresses / I cannot use a 
'calculated' or 'conditional' address (text) as corner point for an array / 
Lookup functions are insufficient / LOOKUP() should work also with unsorted 
 70480       Counting the number of lines, columns or cells in the current 
 87573       Datapilot does not have MEDIAN and other Functions
 76846       Make Naming Cells Quicker
 84840       autofilter on row
 71997       Html online import of numbers and dates is very inflexible, actual 
preference description is wrong
 88906       COUNTIF functionality
 76778       Navigate over protected cells
 76971       Keyboard shortcuts for inserting/deleting rows/cols
 87032       Find/Replace "in selected" usability proposal
 77702       Ability to remove row/column from grouping
 63750       Advanced Filter and Refresh DB-Range
 88377       AutoRecovery of spreadsheet; text lost
 86754       Auto fill incorrect for connected cells
 76060       Function wizard: selected cell-area is overtyped when adding '+' 
or other 
 82114       Create multiple copies of a sheet and name them
 91547       enhance BETADIST to support probability density function
 87143       Formatting a cell as YYYY doesn't allow entry in that format
 84421       Search functions by their description
 90979       Selecting cells in diagonal
 86839       worksheet zoom levels
 88175       Shrink to fit cell size and wrap text
 72304       DataPilot : sorting by dataField
 88427       Formatting not applied in shared mode.
 64452       slow,jumpy horizontal movement of table
 72388       Automatic setting of decimal and thousand place
 87160       Function Wizard should automatically quote text
 80599       ability to pivot (rotate) cells in OO Calc
 84952       Fit to,page printing
 91546       Introduce warning notes
 85241       ValueHighlighting should be stored with the document
 69584       time values are not summed up in quick-sum
 90132       Calc cannot tile or cascade multiple documents
 69391        programming OOo_2.0.2_src to set CurPageID , error
 83219       Complex LHS for formulae
 83767       Spreadhseet Header Containing Company Logo
 83470       Mouse pointer
 84898       datapilot : Select and display different calculated fields for the 
same value
 76893       Reducing multiple clicks to single clicks - making it more 
 75979       Calc - Dumbing down to Excel - text in arithmetic
 91570       missing delete rows/colums in the contextual menu of the selected 
 85689       Adding filters to list range in table


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