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------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Nov 10 10:38:01 +0000 
2008 -------
The code uses the css.uri.XVndSunStarScriptUrl interface to parse the script
URLs, immediately before translating the URL to a "display value"

So, all your examples will work, since we do not have any assumptions about the
structure of the URL, except that the script name is what
XVndSunStarScriptUrl.getName() returns, and the location/language are the result
of a getParameter( "location"/"language").

So, your only concern not addressed is the ability to copy the URL from the
property browser. However, there are other means to obtain this URL (with a few
lines of Basic script, for instance), and here I consider usability (i.e.
readability for the average end user) more important than convenience for the
macro developer.

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