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------- Additional comments from Thu Sep 10 13:28:57 
+0000 2009 -------

since a couple of days I think about fileing an issue about, that OO.o is
tempering  HSQL-data-files. seeing this issue, I send you these infos, with the
special remark, that you need to find out yourself, what had happend:  

BORG is an calendar-application using the HSQL-engine.
Trying to use these data-files reading by using the OO-build-in HSQL-engine
worked for a couple of time, but final the data-structur and the skript-file
where corrupted and the data where lost - you can find my complaint in the
BORG-forum. Right now I am not sure about the reasons, but the guess it is more
a problem of OO.o.
Please have a look.


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