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------- Additional comments from Tue Apr 27 09:03:33 +0000 
2010 -------
On the contrary, that warning box should be shown to the interactive user
always. It points to severe problem, namely that "transparent" PDF/A is a bad
idea. All objects that were transparent and all objects that intersect them need
to be output as one big image. Meaning you create a PDF/A document of bad
quality. Therefore that warning should not be ignored.

As for the idea of NOT using the filter options in an automated PDF/A creation:
if you rely on what the user last clicked in the export dialog, you cannot even
guarantee that you're exporting PDF/A. The set of export parameters can be
considered completely random in that case. Actually I think we should do the
export using the same constant set of default parameters if no dialog was shown,
but changing that now would probably break someone's script.

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