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------- Additional comments from Wed May  5 
22:09:12 +0000 2010 -------
Well, I hope you are a better programmer then you are with people! If you are
not then the Auto Filter is in trouble.

I have been working with Support and developing for over 20 years and your
attitude is what I would consider the perfect example of how not to behave. I do
not know what your problem is but do not spit it out at me!
I know that you probably have to handle many questions from a lot of more or
less strange people, but that is part of the job. 

I found the link with the same font and the same colour as the rest of the text,
bright decision to hide it!

OK, This is an example of a file converted from Excel. It works perfectly in
Excel but is crap in Calc. 

The whole point with Auto filter is (for me and my colleagues) to quickly sort
the content in one or several rows or to find one entry in a big set of data.
I have no problem doing it in Excel or in Access if it is a database but either
I am a complete moron or there is a bug or the guy responsible for the function
missed the goal. In my opinion functionality shall be obvious for the user or
self instructive, if not no one will have time to spend hours and hours to learn
a function that was not thought through from the beginning by the developing 

I might be stepping on someone's toes here but you want concrete feedback so you
got it.

I do not mind spending time to help out, but give me strait feedback on what you
need as I hate to guess.

I will attach a sample on trying to setup Auto filter on other files too that is
simple and intuitive in Excel but not in Calc. If this is a copyright issue I
understand but if so the challenge is to make a better function then the
"original". I will help with suggestions there too but give me straight 


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