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------- Additional comments from Mon Jun  7 12:18:39 
+0000 2010 -------
I'm sorry for the long delay on my answer.
We are not actually using the -headless flag. Instead of this, we are entering 
hidden mode when running the main OO basic macro which is being called from our 
java libraries.
We are working that way as this looked the same (although we were probably 
wrong) and avoids the need to maintain a server startup/shutdown process 
control as OO is run when needed.
What I don't know is if we can pass the flag when we are creating the desktop 
from Java, but...
Anyway, I see thas issue 108490 has been recently fixed and confirmed so we 
would probably wait until 3.3 is delivered as this doesn't look to be included 
in 3.2.1.
Then if you can give me some additional information or recomendation I would 
appreciate it. But, in any case, I think you can close that issue.

Thank you very much for your help.

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