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------- Additional comments from Mon Jun 28 12:21:06 +0000 
2010 -------
OK, so the above patch actually seems to kinda work. There is just one annoyance
with it: When you have started an OOo where the inital document window was
opened maximized on a non-primary monitor, the "restored state" of that window
(i.e. the size and location it will have if you click the "un-maximize" or
"restore" button on its title bar) is actually the same as in its maximized
state. I.e. the client area of the window will stay the same size and location,
but the window decorations will change: The title bar will typically become a
bit higher and the sides and bottom borders will appear. (Exactly how the title
bar changes depends on the appearance settings I assume.) For this reason it is
a hack, and I am not satisfied with it.

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