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------- Additional comments from Tue Jul 20 06:06:28 
+0000 2010 -------
Great discovery hanya!

So here is my attempt - as a complete noob - at a fix that minimal testing seems
to indicate the problem is solved and revealing nothing else as seriously 

Offending line commented out:

sal_Bool Adapter::hasProperty( const OUString & aPropertyName )
    throw ( RuntimeException )
    bool bRet = false;
//    PyThreadAttach guard( mInterpreter );
        bRet = PyObject_HasAttrString(
            mWrappedObject.get() , (char*) TO_ASCII( aPropertyName ));
    return bRet;

Rebuilding OOo from source (debian package 1:3.2.0-4~bpo50+1) with that one
change did the trick! (I have also been able to put the new into
another, otherwise un-hacked installation of the same debian version of OOo and
gotten the problem to go away there too.)

But someone who really knows what they are doing had better weigh in here before
this goes anywhere else, as I have never done anything like this before.  The
required 7 hour complete build of OOo just to fix the python-uno package was an
extreme eyeopener into the workings of OOo (quite shocking at first!) but I am
thrilled to have now at least gotten a one-line code change to have apparently
solved a problem that has been causing me considerable headaches for a while 

Thanks again hanya for leading me this one step further into OOo programming
oblivion!!!  I look forward to many more to come!

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