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------- Additional comments from Fri Nov  5 13:19:18 +0000 
2010 -------
I did some further investigation into what ADO reports as NUMERIC_PRECISION and
NUMERIC_SCALE by writing a small c# program that retrieves and prints
Connection.GetSchema(OleDbMetaDataCollectionNames.Columns) data for the test
database attached. They are respectively 19 and 0 for currency fields. This is
probably the reason why the wizard proposes 0 decimal places. 
But... NUMERIC_SCALE has apparently only a meaning for data types that have
settable scales like the numeric and decimal types and not for fixed scale data
types such as currency. 
Microsoft in its integration services (platform to convert other databases to
SQLServer = copytablewizard from MS ;) ) defines currency scale as 4. See, definition of DT_CY. At
the bottom of that page, the JET currency data type is mapped to DT_CY... It
isn't a coincidence that DT_CY has numeric value 6 which is the same as
OleDbType.Currency or adCurrency...
"Hard-wiring" the scale of currency to 4 seems to be the solution to this 

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