
This test case in ajtest keeps failing and I am looking for some further

*TEST_F(CompatibleCredentialAccessorTest, LoadOldFormat)  *
*in alljoyn_core/unit_test/CredentialAccessorTest.cc: 616 *

This happens while I am tackling "ASACORE-3491
<https://jira.allseenalliance.org/browse/ASACORE-3491>". One of the reason
AllJoyn wouldn't build against OpenSSL-1.1.0 is that it no longer has
AES_ctr128_encrypt API available in aes.h, so I am changing our
Crypto_AES's encrypt and decrypt functions to use EVP APIs.

The SetUp() function of the above test fixture would
use  Crypto_AES::Decrypt_CCM to decrypt the "Rev0X103KeyStore[]" str after
it is Base64Decoded. The Decrypt_CCM would fail because in the end the
computed Tag  does not match the last 16 bytes in the input(cyphertext)

With the new EVP Api-based implementation, the Tag data is obtained and
used as follows:

1. In encryption, allocate a buffer, then specify the length for Tag data
via EVP Api;
2. Complete the encryption from plaintext to ciphertext in CCM mode;
3. Obtain the Tag data via EVP Api through EVP Cipher context;
4. Append the Tag data to the end of the ciphertext.

In CCM Decryption, the process is reversed:  Tag should be expected at the
end of the ciphertext input, it is fed together with its length to CTX via
EVP APIs before Decryption starts, then in the end, EVP_Decryption would
check against this Tag data with the computed one during the Decryption
process to verify authentication. This implementation is passing all
ajctest and cmtest, including all the 26 items in  AES_CCM_Test_Vecter.

I am wondering what's changed since KeyStore Rev103, and where can I find
more information about it? In KeyStore.cc, there are some comments
regarding "key store version 0x103 or older... the Decryption would fail".
I am wondering if I ran into this problem.


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