Dear Nancy,

 I am at a loss to understand whay you cannot access the IRG. The main page 
with links to all issues is open to all, no need for any password, access code, 
or log-in to see it and that goes for each and every issue pdf as well. 

Have you, for instance, got some over-zealous security setting on your  browser 
which blocks the downloading of the pdfs ? 

Best wishes,
 Maggi Young 

robyn82hn at robyn82hn at 
Tue Mar 26 21:17:57 CET 2013 

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I still need a pass word to read the issues...having a faster computer 
does not help if I can't access the information.
Thanks, Nancy Robinson  Tennessee where it is still snowing big flakes 
but not sticking but it is suppose to be Spring already!
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