New Issue : IRG 62 of February 2015

At this time of year in the northern hemisphere our thoughts are buoyed by 
the increasing evidence of spring flowers and many of these are "bulbs" 

in the widest sense. The passion and fashion for Galanthus continues unabated

so we thought a report from landscape architect and galanthophile 

Hagen Engelmann from Cottbus, on some of his favourite snowdrops, 

which are not "just white" was appropriate. 

Christophe Ruby from the Hof Botanical Garden makes a plea in his article 

for more enthusiasm for a plant he considers to be too often overlooked for use 
in our gardens.

 Finally, Wim Boens, the Belgian plantsman so active for the VRV provides an 
update to his 

previous article on the Genus Eranthis. 

Yes, this is an issue of IRG heavy with "bulbs" - if you feel this to be an 
overload then we invite you to submit a piece on a plant that interests you!

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M. Young 

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