Update of /cvsroot/alsa/alsa-oss/oss-redir
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv12436

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Open Sound System call redirector

The purpose of this little piece of code is to redirect
OSS (Open Sound System) calls to any shared library to avoid
overhead caused with the LD_PRELOAD wrapper. Especially, 
wrapping select() and poll() functions cause big overhead.

In ideal world, all OSS programs will use this little code
to allow a sound emulation for OSS based APIs without requirement
of ugly LD_PRELOAD hacks.


Set environment variable OSS_REDIRECTOR to name of dynamic library
with lib_oss_* public functions. For example (ALSA):

export OSS_REDIRECTOR=libalsatoss.so

If this variable is not set, or this value is "oss" or "OSS",
the direct system calls are used.

Porting OSS application to use this code

All functions have equivalent as using syscalls. Only one exception
is select() or poll() usage. It is required to use oss_pcm_select*()
or oss_pcm_poll*() wrappers to determine the "real" used file
descriptors and mangle back the result.

Note that the *prepare() functions returns the count of file
descriptors allocated (poll) or the maximum used file descriptor

Porting example

FIXME: Add a link to a good patch.

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