On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, dave willis wrote:

> after some unknown amount of time, when there is no audio being played
> through my soundcard, my mixer levels are all reset.  this happens
> sometimes even if i was playing audio 1 minute ago, and on both of my
> soundcards (ice1712/ymfpci).  i don't know if it's an alsa thing or
> some other linux thing, but i'm using alsa-cvs from 10/20/01 and
> kernel 2.4.12-ac3-pe on redhat 7.1.  anyone know how to prevent this?
> i can work around this with my ymfpci card as i can do
> "/bin/aumix-minimal -d /dev/mixer1 -f /root/.aumixrc90 -L", but with
> my ice1712 card it has settings that i can only access with
> envy24control (in x), and this problem prevents me from recording
> programs from the internet when i'm not around.  thanks.

answering my own post, i found that when i commented out the
"*/10 * * * * root /sbin/rmmod -as" in /etc/cron.d/kmod laste month, i
left the file in original form as /etc/cron.d/kmod~, which crond thinks is
just as good.  doh!

perl -e'@email=split(//,".tenmhd\@nosbud");foreach$letter(@email){$

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