
Paul Davis wrote:
> Linux runs on at least a dozen h/w platforms. AFAIK, no device driver
> directly includes assembler, and if they do, they are unlikely to be
> part of the mainstream kernel. They certainly wouldn't be part of
> ALSA, I would hope.

a part of assembly-howto :)

Meanwhile, here's an example of a minimum dumb kernel module
(source is based on example by mammon_ from APJ #8):

section .text

        global init_module
        global cleanup_module
        global kernel_version

        extern printk

        push    dword str1
        call    printk
        pop     eax
        xor     eax,eax

        push    dword str2
        call    printk
        pop     eax

str1            db      "init_module done",0xa,0
str2            db      "cleanup_module done",0xa,0

kernel_version  db      "2.2.18",0

Small, huh? :)

> You seem to be under the same mistaken impression as many people that
> assembler is always quicker.

I'm writting programs for microcontrollers in assmbler - te final code
fits in about 2000 lines and takes about 2kB... I know how much would it
take, if I wrote it in C or BASIC...
I know how it looks from "very hardware" side / experience.
C uses libc and some others... that takes time, so i think it's slower.

Well, it not MUST be written in assembler... if C would be easier, i
use C... but I thought that asm would be simplier/faster.

> Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.

Yes :]

> If you've never written a kernel module, or even a time sensitive
> program, its quite possible that the compiler will do a better than
> you :)

I would have to call function, make everything i want and finish, before
aprox. 22usec... would it be enough?
In uC I had timers, by which i could call an interput after demanded
Is there something like this under linux?

> See "Linux Device Drivers" by Rubini, A., published by O'Reilly. (...)

I would really love to, but i have no ability to buy this :((((
There must be some online documentaion...?


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