
At Mon, 3 Dec 2001 15:59:23 +0200 (EET),
Timo Tossavainen wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been developing a simple realtime bassline softsynth (osc, adsr, lp
> filter) for ALSA (controlled using midi ports in alsa sequencer). The idea
> is to ultimately build a system that allows one to connect MIDI controlled
> virtual devices using cables. I'm hoping that I can skip writing a
> sequencer and use an external one (written by someone else).
> The simple synth is currently working pretty well with 2x128 samples of
> buffering and using snd_pcm_writei to write the samples (takes about 2%
> cpu with my sincm blit bandlimited oscillators, no optimization on a
> 450 Mhz machine)
> I've wrapped the parts of ALSA I'm using in C++ classes, which throw
> exceptions at every error so I shouldn't miss a single one.
> The midi implementation reads a midi event by testing  
> snd_seq_event_input_pending and then using snd_seq_event_input to get the
> event. 
> Seems I have a number of problems with the ALSA sequencer (and MUSE
> but I don't know if that's relevant) points 1 and 2 occur when
> I'm just running the synth by itself and connect the keyboard
> port to the synth with aconnect.
> 1) Playing frantically on the keyboard I sometimes get notes that are
> impossible to play on the keyboard (e.g. key 3) without error.
> The keyboard is a Roland PC-200 mk II.
Did input buffer overflow happen?
If this behavior appears, please check /proc/asound/seq/clients
whether cell allocation failed.

> 2) Sometimes ALSA just plain crashes during playing, pcm seems to work but
> I get no input from the sequencer (the sequencer just stops giving events)
> After quitting the program even pcm stops working. I have to restart
> the driver to get it working. This happens even when I'm just writing
> zeroed data to the driver and dumping the midi events, no synth running,
> just to rule out a bug in the synth.
Hmm..  Possibly the same reason (overflow of event pool)?

> 3) Running MUSE concurrently works fine when recording midi, playback
> breaks my synth (running as root and SCHED_FIFO/REALTIME). Is it
> possible it suspends the audio even when my synth supposedly owns
> it ? I'd expect xruns but seems that something else happens (configured
> so that it doesn't use audio ports at all).
> 4) The soundfont banks (.sf2) sound muffled (very low volume, all treble
> gone) in MUSE but the older banks (.sbk) work. The .sf2-banks sound ok
> when just using alsa (with aconnect) (This is probably a MUSE issue)

Do both outputs come from the same client?
Or do you refer to MusE's iiwsynth?

> This is no biggie, but it seems that snd_seq_event_input returns 1 on
> succesful read, not the number of bytes remaining as stated in
> the doxygen documentation or maybe I misread the source.

Oh, yes, the document must be fixed..  Thanks.


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