Hi Dave!

> I'm not saying its not possible to do it over the parallel port, I'm just
> wondering if its really worth it..

Hey, my circuit is a diploma work. I could BUY a power supply or some radio,
but I don't think that would be the point. I want to show that even very
complicated circuit could be done just if you want...

If its worth? Well I have to do some circuit. I have powerfull
microcontroller. I have not much time (it must be ready in february). So,
the problem is only in software...
Its not about making circuit... it about showing what you can. Hey, I'm only
19. Do You know anybody in that age, who could build PC from singe chips? I
don't want to tell that I'm some genius. I just want to learn something new.

I see that no one understood me -  I can't just tell examinators "You know
gys, i could add those options, but it wasn't worth it..."

Ofcourse I could build even audio card, or anything else, but if I wanted
to do that, I had to declare it "some" time ago. As for now, I'm building
d-class amplifier myself and I'm thinking what oprions can I add to make it
more attractive (to woman, hehe).
As I'm in middle of work, I can't stop it.

I just wanted to ask some experienced guys for advice, what could be added
to make circuit more attractive / broad it's abilities.
I wanted also to learn how all this sound system works under linux...


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