>It seems I have been celebrating too early.
>Here's the scoop on my current issues:
>I have finally managed to produce sound with the darn thing, but every
>so often now I get sporadic "crackle" out of the output, as well as
>complete distortion of the sound, almost as if the pitch is constantly
>oscillating literally in a sinusoidal fashion somewhere around 5-10
>cycles/sec. When I reboot or wait for a longer time, the problem goes

if this is the problem i think it is, you don't need to reboot. in
ardour/jack, just stopping+restarting the PCM streams would generally
clear it.

i have had this problem from time to time as well. i am still, after 2
years of working with the hammerfall, unsure of what causes it. for a
long time, i believed it was caused by problems with the h/w pointer -
alsa uses this in a way that ASIO does not, and it was thus not
operating correctly for us. however, the code in CVS (and presumably
the latest preN release) contains changes to make alsa use it the way
that ASIO does. it has been quite a long time since the problem has
happened for me, in fact, it has not happened since those changes.
however, i am not convinced that they fixed whatever causes the noise,
just that it has made it much less likely. for me, it seemed to happen
*often* when i was initially using the card in "passthru" mode, and
then fired up ardour. its almost as if the card's registers misreport
which part of the ringbuffer the card is actually working on after
certain kinds of restarts.

which version of alsa are you using?


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