On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Takashi Iwai wrote:
>At Tue, 26 Feb 2002 17:55:36 +0100 (CET),
>Erik Inge Bolsų wrote:
>> On my new PC, there's a cmipci chip built-in to the mainboard. It's noisy,
>> but that's as expected.
>> But there's a weird issue with it. I can play 16bit stereo 44.1khz sound
>> just fine. 22 khz, though, is inaudible. In fact, everything but 44khz
>> stereo 16bit gives me either white noise or inaudibility.
>comparison between registers on two states gives only the difference
>of regisister 0x05..  that is quite normal.
>sorry, i have no idea...
>well, could you run once arecord with 22kHz and then try aplay with
>22kHz again?
>also, doesn't 48khz playback work, too?


By accident, the "Exchange DAC" mixer switch was on. Turning that off, all
works as expected...

Or rather... by experimentation, I've determined this:

"Exchange DAC" switch on, "IEC958 In Monitor" switch on:
        22050 Hz silent, 44100 Hz fine

"Exchange DAC" switch on, "IEC958 In Monitor" switch off:
        22050 Hz silent, 44100 Hz silent

"Exchange DAC" switch off, "IEC958 In Monitor" switch on:
        22050 Hz fine, 44100 Hz fine

"Exchange DAC" switch off, "IEC958 In Monitor" switch off:
        22050 Hz fine, 44100 Hz silent

Just extremely weird signal routing on this one card, or is this common?
Please document this somewhere for others :)

( Perhaps match by subsystem id and modify mixer element names
accordingly to something sane? And/or mark all switches that have
something to do with signal routing as such, and let a specialized mixer
app take care of such things? )

Erik I. Bolsų | email: <knan at mo.himolde.no>
The UNIX philosophy basically involves giving you enough rope to
hang yourself.  And then a couple of feet more, just to be sure.

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