--- Takashi Iwai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>first of all, kudos to Patrick;  the new appearance is really good!


>now i have a proposal.
>how about to add informational pages for each driver, and make links
>from soundcard matrix?  then a user can reach to the detailed info by
>two clicks from the top page.

It's a good idea which we discussed when people were working on the howto wiki a 
couple of months back.

>a driver page will contain:
>- supported and tested hardwares
>- detailed description, including module parameters and
>  supported/unsupported features
>- known bugs (and workarounds if any), TODO
>- links to other resources, such as howto's
>the pages should be controlled by cvs, so that both developers and web
>admins can keep them up-to-date.
>an advantage is that we can generated documents for
>alsa-kernel/Documentation from these files.
>i'm not sure whether these docs to be auto-generated or should be
>static files.  also, we need to discuss which format is best - sgml,
>docbook, html or else.
>we can start from converting existing docs (e.g. CMIPCI.txt) to
>such pages.
>any comments please?

I can draft a template page in html over the next few days. Keeping in line with the 
new format style.

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