L. Ricardo Sapaico V. wrote:

Hello everybody,

I hope you could give me a hand with this: I just bought a Intel 850 MV Mainboard, the one which comes with the AD1885 chip. Well, I downloaded the alsa-driver-0.5.12a with its corresponding lib and utils drivers. I\'ve followed all the instructions that the web says, I compile them and install the three packages and everything seems to be OK, then when I try to enter the line: modprobe snd-intel8x0 it says that that module doesn\'t exist or something like that. Well, I looked for it and I found a module called snd-card-intel8x0, so I tried: modprobe snd-card-intel8x0 and it worked. Then I did a lsmod and I saw that all the modules were running, after that I started GNOME (startx) and I tried to listen to some music, the program (XMMS) worked but I couldn\'t hear anything. The song was playing but I couldn\'t listen to it at all. And I don\'t know what the problem is...

Please help me as soon as possible...please, please.
I also added the lines that the readme says to the modules.conf file, changing the snd-intel8x0 for the snd-card-intel8x0.

Try alsa 9, the one you got is obsolete.

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