Pedro Soria-Rodriguez wrote:
> The documentation is fairly poor, in my opinion,

Not only in your's ...

> I have read that one of the features of Alsa is that multiple sound
> sources can play at the same time.   So, I have tried... but if a
> program is playing audio, and I start a second one, this one will block
> until I stop the first one.

The default output device doesn't support playback of multiple
streams. You have to use the dmix plugin for this (in all applications
that are to share the sound card).

Use "plug:dmix" as device name.

> Second question:  is there some documentation about the /etc/asound.conf
> file?   I don't even know whether I need one or not.  I dont have one in
> my /etc.

It has the same format as the ~/.asoundrc file. Do don't need it if
you don't want to specify system-wide settings.


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