Sergei Steshenko wrote:
Takashi, as end user I want to know nothing about alsa-lib and kernel.

I want to have a website with driver per card, i.e. I want to perform
only intellectualy primitive lookup operation: read the file names in
repository, find the file which matches my card name and install it.

Like with 'xpdf' - I see the program name (moral equivalent of my card name)
and version suffix. If the newest version doesn't work, I revert to an older


What we have with Linux is better than what you want.
You install the Linux kernel, and you have support for all sound cards already there. No need to go searching the net for some driver like one has to do in Windows. If it is not already in the Linux kernel, your sound card is unlikely to work in Linux at all. If you want support or a bug fix for some particular sound card, you then have to either wait for your distro to support it. (similar to waiting for the manufacture's web site to be updated with a new driver), or alternatively, compile the kernel and alsa from sources, and get the very latest bug fixes and features.

If you think about it, the Linux way is actually a lot better than the method you are describing.


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