On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 02:56:27AM -0600, David Slimp wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who offered some help with this!
> I finally got it figured out! :)
> Fernando (at Planet CCRMA) went above and beyond what I would
> have expected - special thanks to you.
> ... anyway, he ultimately suggested it was some kind of alsa install/config
> problem and asked me for alsa RPM package names on my system.
> Everything looked good, but I decided to pursue this further.
> Ultimately, I think there was some kind of package conflict that wasn't
> showing up as an error anywhere!

> # looking for any/all packaged files that might have changed
>  rpm -Va
> # I noticed a couple alsa/sound related file saying "prelink has changed"

That is your real problem. It can hit any package and usually happens
if you install/upgrade packages while the nighly prelink script is
(still) running, or when the prlink script is abruptly aborted.

> I'm sure more packages need to be cleaned up, and maybe some
> of those didn't NEED to be touched, but hopefully this will be helpful
> to others who run in to this.... or people trying to help others who have
> a similar problem.  --- CHECK FOR PACKAGE CONFLICTS !!!

This is not a package conflict, prelink just killed some libs. I
haven't seen this behaviour with FC4 anymore, so it looks like it was
fixed there.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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