On Monday 09 June 2008, Bill Unruh wrote:
> That will at most give you digitization noise which at 16 bit is 96dB
> below full signal. Ie, it is much less than the tape hiss from a tape
> recorder for example.

Not that tape hiss should be a standard we compare everything to :)

A little peeve with some so called "pro" audio servers is their 
inability to act as a 'digital wire', ie: what goes in comes out, 
totally unchanged. As an example, there are times you may want the same 
exact 16 bits you send out of app to arrive at the audio device 
unmolested. Jack, AFAIK, will always convert this to a 32 bit float. 
Regardless of quality arguments, what the engineer wants the engineer 
should get and the software, no matter what its very sane defaults are, 
should be flexible enough to allow it.


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