On Friday 13 June 2008, Grant wrote:
> pcm.my_device

Sorry, thought it would be understood that 'my_device' is the alsa alias 
(in my case the the name of the kernel module without the 
leading "snd-") for the hardware device in question (see your 
modules.conf file or whatever is proper for your distro). In my case I 
have 2 (hda-intel and hdsp), you'll need to use the proper one for your 
device. For instance if I want to deal with my hdsp device I use 
pcm.hdsp. The name of the plug device can be whatever you want, for 
clarity I use the alias + the sample rate, pcm.hdsp_44 for example. The 
plug doesn't usually show up in drop down boxes (at least not for me) 
so its name needs to be manually typed.


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