On Sunday 14 December 2008 20:41, Salvatore Filippone wrote:
> Some more info: It works under Fedora 7 with a kernel 2.6.23, it does not
> work with Ubuntu 8.04 kernel 2.6.24, Fedora 10 kernel 2.6.27, Knoppix 5.3.1
> kernel 2.6.24, with the same symptom, only the modem codec is recognized.
> Under Knoppix 5.1.0, kernel 2.6.19 it does show a PCM codec, but it does
> not work for whatever other reasons.
> Does this make sense to anyone?
> Thanks
> Salvatore

Hi Salvatore.

I'd suggest upgrading the alsa-driver on your Fedora 10 install, to the latest 
snapshot of the driver, available at the link below.


With Fedora, you'll need to install some packages, kernel-devel (for the 
running kernel), kernel-headers (for the running kernel), and gcc, and make 
(which may be installed).

With the above packages installed, cd to the tarball, unpack it, cd to the new 
folder created, then run, ./configure, then, make, ,and if there are no 
complaints from make, su to root, and run, make install .

That done, reboot, and run, cat /proc/asound/version , which should show the 
latest alsa driver (1.0.18, or 1.0.18a). Now try the commands I've previously 
suggested, as below.

cat /proc/asound/cards
grep ^Codec /proc/asound/card?/codec*

If the only codec detected is still just the modem one, at least you will have 
tried the latest snapshot of the alsa driver, and we can ask the alsa 
developers for suggestions.

If you need any more info on upgrading the alsa driver on Fedora, post me back 

Best wishes.


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