MichaƂ Kowalczyk wrote:
>       SND_PCM_FORMAT_U8, //changing this type for any other gives an error in 
> the output: segmentation fault.

U8 has one byte per sample; if you try to use a bigger sample format,
you have to enlarge the buffer accordingly.

>       1, //argument responsible for channels; if I change it to 2(stereo) 
> program gives an segmentation fault error.

Using two channels would double the buffer size, too.

>       48000, //sampling rate; works good but if I modify this to lower value 
> the time of generating noise will be longer, don't know why.

If the sample rate is lower, you need more timer to play the same number
of samples.

>                 frames = snd_pcm_writei(handle, buffer, sizeof(buffer));

The last parameter is measued in frames, not in bytes.  When you use
another sample format than U8/S8 or more then one channel, you have to
divide the buffer size by the number of bytes per frame.


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