
*A wave file plays on the built-in audio  "aplay -v waveoutput.wave" without 
issues, but if I route this to my Layla3G card using the command: 
    "aplay -v -D layla3g waveoutput.wave" this is the output/error message:
    Playing WAVE 'waveoutput.wave' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 22050 
Hz, Mono
    aplay: set_params:959: Channels count non available

    I've searched the forums and while I have found a work-around, I haven't 
found a satisfactory answer online that points to my error ( which I presume is 
with my .asoundrc file).  Here is my ~/.asoundrc file (bellow), to it I added 
the "channels 2" line and rebooted the system, but it still fails.  Something 
tells me that this is not properly setup.  

** If I try the following, it works: aplay -D plughw:1,0 waveoutput.wave 

*** The purpose of this task is to figure out what the maximum output voltage 
of the Echo Layla3G is.  Do any of you have a suggestion to accomplish this in 
a more elegant way?

## my .asoundrc file ######################
# soundcard and device to use
pcm.layla3g {
    type   hw
    card   1
    device 0
    channels 2
ctl.layla3g {
    type   hw
    card   1
    device 0
    channels 2

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