I have an EMU-1616m that is all working fine, apart from the physical MIDI
input. The interface has a built in MIDI synth, but this is concerning the
physical MIDI I/O (of which it has 2 sets of). I believe alsa-firmware is
responsible for this issue as I have to install it explicitly for the EMU to
work at all.
I have a "real" hardware MIDI synth and two MIDI cables. Connected as
follows: MIDI out from the soundcard to MIDI in on the synth, MIDI out of
the synth into MIDI in on the soundcard.

I used gmidimonitor (and Rosegarden) and hooked up 16:0 into it. There was
no MIDI activity what-so-ever. I've also tried 16:32 to no avail.

ALSA version 1.0.20
I posted this on the bug tracker about a month ago, but have had no response
so far: https://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/alsa-bug/view.php?id=4663
Also discussed on the Rosegarden list
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