On Tue, 8 Dec 2009, Kazuo Teramoto wrote:

> Hello.
> I like to redirect the sound I hear in the speakers to microphone, so
> it can be recorded with e.g. arecord.
> A somewhat related idea is how I can read audio from a file and pipe
> it to microphone input.

Jut plug a cable from the output to the Line in input ( use line in, not
microphone. Microphone is often mono only, and uses one of the lines for
2 or 5V phantom power which could, on a badly designed card, cause trouble for 
> I think alsa can do this with some sort of combination of plugin file,
> dsnoop and some asoundrc-fu but I cant get all the concepts to create
> a solution by myself.
> Someone can help me please?
> Thanks,
> Kazuo Teramoto

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