> >>>    Just for curiosity's sake: what other Linux program
> >>>    could I substitute for pulseaudio?  Someday, when I've
> >>>    picked myself up off the floor, I might feel like playing
> >>>    with it.  I am a musician, play violin and viola, so
> >>>    the temptation is there.

Soon or later you likely will use jackd (likely with ALSA backend) only
for music productions. QjackCtl http://qjackctl.sourceforge.net/ and
aj-snapshot http://sourceforge.net/projects/aj-snapshot/ are much used
tools to handle jack. There are a few other tools available too and
bridging could become important, but to start I recommend to drop
pulseaudio (disable it, or uninstall it, if needed build a dummy
package). Install QjackCtl and aj-snapshot and care about
http://jackaudio.org/faq/ . Some applications, e.g. Ardour and
Qtractor have options to handle, save and restore jackd settings, so
helper aren't necessarily needed. It's useless to write about details
yet, assumed you decide to use jackd, we could provide more
information/help. Assumed you should decide to record your violin,
consider to subscribe to
http://lists.linuxaudio.org/listinfo/linux-audio-user for further

I didn't follow the thread, my apologies if I just pointed out, what
perhaps already was mentioned.

JFTR some people are using jackd in combination with pulseaudio.


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