> I thought this whole thread was about stuff that PA could do and alsa on its
> own could not.

Well, that'd be my mistake I guess. I should've been clearer and specify
in my opening post that I'd like to solve this using just alsa.
I assumed that this would be implied, given that I am asking for help on
alsa-users mailing list, but I was wrong.

> So you would rather spend hours writing buggy code than use something that has
> been debugged and accomplishes that is wanted?

One, PulseAudio solves *a* problem, not *my* problem. My problem is to
have this work through alsa, if possible (and it *is* possible, either
by writing plugin or using what a person on IRC suggested)

Two, is it really that awkward that there are people out there willing
to spend their time tinkering out the customized solution, that works
how they want it to work - rather than just adopting common solutions?

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