Is this list active at all? I have received no messages since I signed
up and no answer to my question.

Is there a better place to ask about using alsa drivers that I should
try instead?

On 27/11/2018 12:35, thet wrote:
> I have a FF400 and I have been using ffado with it.
> It came to my attention that there exists a ALSA driver for the FF400
> since the midi was working over alsa and midi is not supported in the
> ffado driver.
> Also my system can see the FF400 in the sound control panel without jack
> or ffado running.
> I am using Mint 19 cinnamon and the liquorix kernel. (though so far I
> have not noticed any difference between the liquorix kernel and the
> generic one except pre-empt performance).
> I would like to try using just the alsa driver and not ffado since I'm
> using the alsa midi support anyway it would be less total software to
> use the alsa driver for everything - assuming supports everything I need
> for serious music recording.
> However I can't get any sound out of the FF400 using the ALSA driver -
> it works ok with FFADO though. Also the midi works - presumably using
> the alsa driver.
> I have tried using alsa directly in the sound control panel, using the
> alsa output from audacious, and the alsa driver from jack.
> I get an error about setting the frames/period/buffer size.
> The red light that shows no connection to a host stays on on the FF400 -
> even though the system can see it is present. This light goes off if I
> start ffado and jack, or if I start ffado mixer.
> Is there a guide somewhere on how to set up the ALSA drivers for the FF400?
> thanks!
> Thet
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