Received: 7/14/08 1:45:58 PM 
From:  Roger Legendre <er_legendre(at)> 

Subject:  Northern Ontario Fastball Champonships  


To improve the poster on the Northern Ontario Championmships
I'm re writing it as you suggested because of the missing date
so here we go 3rd Annual Northern Ontrio Ladies and Men's Fastball
Championships August 15th to 17th in Sudbury Entry fee ia $375
per team Three games guaranteed Deadline for entry fee and full
roster is Tueaday August the 5th Prize structure based on 12
teams is: 1st prize $1200 2nd prize $700 3rd prize $500 Roster
(full names) + entry fee of $375(certified cheque or money order)
must be in on or before Tuesday August the 5th ,2008 . Cheques
or money orders to me made out to the Rick McDoald Memorial Fastball
League and mailed to Northern Ontario Fastball Championships
c/o Roger Legendre Public Relations Officer 968 Jeanne D'Arc
Street Hanmer , Ontario P3P 1R9 * Note you also email your rosters
to er_legendre(at) For further information please
call Patrick Brennan at 1-705-222-0447 or Todd Parsons at 1-705-693-724
Rules , sites and schedule to be emailed (send us your email
address) no later than Monday August 11th , 2008 Lets play ball

 Al's Fastball News
*Email: fastball(at)


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