Received: 8/4/08 9:54:17 PM From: "Roger Legendre" <er_legendre(at)>
Subject: Results quarter finals 1st round;schedule second round semis Friends and fans of fastball Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League Read the attachements which describe the results of the quarter finals and the schedule for the second round semis best of five affairs . Note the fourth and fifth games will only be played if necessary Chow Roger Legendre Public Relations Officer RMMFL PLAYOFF SCHEDULE 2008 ` ROUND TWO DATE LOCATION TIME VISITORS SCORE HOME SCORE SERIES Wednesday Aug 6 Whitefish 8:00 Whitefish Dog House Thursday Aug 7 Garson 7:00 Dog House Whitefish 9:00 Pickeral River Garson Monday Aug 11 Azilda 7:00 Garson Pickeral River 9:00 Whitefish Dog House Wednesday Aug 13 Whitefish 7:00 Dog House Whitefish 9:00 Pickeral River Garson Thursday Aug 14 Garson 7:00 Garson Pickeral River 9:00 Whitefish Dog House Monday Aug 18 Azilda 7:00 Pickeral River Garson 9:00 Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) [EMAIL PROTECTED] NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA _______________________________________________ Alsfastball mailing list