Received: 2/17/09 4:21:43 PM From: Softball Ontario's Participation Program <>
IN_THE_HOME_STRETCH_FOR_THE_SOFTBALL_ONTARIOS_COACHES_S -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: StephanieSutton (416) 426-7150 DATE: February17, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN THE HOME STRETCH FOR THE SOFTBALL ONTARIOSCOACHES SYMPOSIUM NORTH YORK,ON- Softball Ontario wants to remind Softball Coaches that thedeadline to register for the Softball Coaches Symposium is just around thecorner! Be sure to secure your spot before Thursday, February19, 2009! Please join Softball Ontario, SoftballCanada and the Investors Group at Mohawk College in Brantfordfor softball instruction at it's finest. It is a great opportunityfor Softball Coaches to learn from the experts! Presenters for this action packed day include: Todd Martin- Todd is considered an outstanding athlete andexcellent pitcher in our great game. Todd plays for the Canadian NationalMen's Softball team. Some of his successes are the following: 4 Time WorldChampion, 9 Time All World, 3 Time MV Pitcher Worlds, 6 Time All American andrepresenting Canada this summer at the ISF Mens WorldsChampionships. Topic: Advanced Pitching Skills and Drills Erin Forman- A Director of RisingStars elite softball camps clinics and workshops; former member of SoftballCanadas National Team Program, NCAA All American, NFCA Great Lakes RegionFirst Team Shortstop. - with - Dr. AndrewPeters - Dr. Peters received his Physical Education from WesternUniversity and is a member in good standing within the Ontario College ofTeachers. He is the Executive Director of "Rising Stars" anorganization initially born through the implementation of developmentalathletic and social programs for First Nations youth. Rising Stars hasexperienced significant growth and diversification. The organization hasexpanded to provide sports and athletic camps, clinics, and workshops; nowavailable throughout southern Ontario. Topic: Dynamic Stretching and Strength conditioning activities for all ages; Batting;Infield and Outfield Skills and Drills DaveBourne- Dave has an extensive background in Softball as SoftballOntarios Coaching Chairman, Master Learning Facilitator, and his experiencecoaching softball at the provincial and national level. In 2009, CoachBourne was named Softball Canada's Home Run Sports Coach of the Year. Topic: Slap and Drag Bunting; CRASH WARM Event attendees for the 2009 Coaches Symposium have theopportunity to get up close and personal with our expertise from differentaspects of the game. Date: Saturday, February 21, 2009 Time: 9:30 am- 4:30 PM (Registration begins at 8:30 am) Location: Mohawk College, Brantford Campus Cost: $30.00 plus GST (includes pizza lunch) RegistrationDeadline: Thursday, February 19, 2009 There is stillroom, so sign up today! Here is the link to the application form: Softball Ontario mustrecruit a minimum of thirty-five (35) participants by February 19, 2009 inorder to host the 2009 Coaches Symposium, so apply today! If the minimumnumber of participants is not reached by February 19, 2009, the Symposium maybe cancelled. Softball Ontario will continue to accept applicationsafter the deadline providing the minimum of thirty-five (35) participants haveregistered. Softball Ontario will accept registration beyond February19, 2009 and on the actual day of the Symposium as along as the minimum numberof participants has been met. Note: SoftballOntario will issue a full refund of $30.00 plus GST if a Symposium participantcancels before Thursday, February 19. Softball Ontario is pleased tooffer this opportunity to softball coaches who may want to continue theirprofessional development beyond the National Coaching CertificationProgram. Ontario is putting its best efforts forward to prepare Coachesfor the softball season. A special thank you to the Quest for GoldLottery, the Ontario Government, specifically the Ministry of HealthPromotions. Without the financial support of these organizations, theSoftball Ontario Coaches Symposium would be not possible. Coacheswish to attend are asked to complete the Coaches Symposium registration formwhich can be found on the Softball Ontario website at Softball Ontario is thegoverning body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal is to promoteand develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials and volunteersby providing programs and services at all levels of competitions. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA
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