Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League DOG HOUSE SPORTSBAR NORTH STARS WIN IMPORTANT GAME The rain out schedule continued Monday night in Azilda at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park . In the opener at 7 PM , the Dog House North Stars scored early and went on nto easily defeat the last [lace Athletics 11 to 0 . Jordy "Swede" Dalhvick (5-0) went the distance in recording his fifth mound victory , giving up but one hit in the second frame , did not issue any base on balls and struck out nine batters. Steve Sabourin led the way for the North Stars with a 3 for 4 performance at bat including a three run homer in the first inning with teammate Junior Ilnitski hitting 2 for 4 while Eric Legendre was the only hitter for the Athletics at 1 for 2 . John Ainsley (0-5) went the distance in suffering his fifth set back on 10 hits ,issuing 5 base on balls and striking out six batters. In the nightcap under the lights , Parry Island Hawks were hard pressed to win a 5-4 victory over the Pickerel River Cardinals after leading 5-1 in the late innings. Prior to the start of the game the Haswks were presented with the Commissioner's Cup emblamatic of their first place finish and a bye to the second round semi finals (photo of the team will be in tomorow for the medias).Al Guenette (4-1) started and was relieved in the 7th frame by Percy Tobobundung(3-0) . Both pitchers combined to give up 6 hits , issue no base on balls and strike out 9 batters. Jonathan Contin (7-6) started and was relieved by Alex Ashawasagai (0-0) in the 5th inning. Boty combine to give up 7 hits ,issue 3 base on balls and strike out 7 batters. frank Pegahamagabow led the way for the Hawks with a 2 for 3 performance with Matt Tobobundung hitting his 5th round tripper of the season and now trailing Todd Parsons of the Hounds by only one with onev regular season game to go.Elwood "Squid" Ashawasagai hit 2 for 2 in a losing cause for the Cardinals . League play will resume Thursday night in Garson at the Lorne Brady Memorial Park with the last two rain out scheduled games of the rergular season . Both games haved have several important team and individual implications. Should the Hounds win the first game (a four point game) at 7 PM , thet would clinch second place . Should the North Stars win the 7 PM game , they would clinch second place . The Cardinals would need a victory at 9 PM against the Hawks to assure themselves of no worst than third position in the final standings.The second set of implications involves individual stats that will be rewarded at the year end banquet . For the pitchers its a batttle between the 5-0 Jordy Dalhvick of the North Stars` and the 4 and 1 Al Guenette of the Hawks. Should scheduled starter Percy Tobobundung (3-0) of the Hawks win on Thursday night he'd finish at 4-0 . A win by Dahlvick in the 7 PM game will clinch the pitching crown for him.In the batting situation , Curtis Hambly is now hitting 585 after going 0 for 3 on Monday night and is closely followed by Jim Pawis of the Hawks with 575 .. Boty players have onre game left and they are playing that game against each other to decide the batting crown . Finally , Todd Parsons of the Garson Hounds leads the home run race with 6 but is closely followed by Matt Tobobundung of the Hawks with 5 and then comes Robbie Edwards (Hounds), Eddy Roy (Hounds) , Eric Ace (Athletics) and Curtis Hambly(Cardinals) all with four . Thursday night in Garson should be an exciting time for the teams and the players. This is the tentative playoff first round quarter final schedule for the first week . On Monday night August the 17th , the second season gets underway with quarter finals 2 out of 3 . At 7 PM at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park the 5th plac`e ASthletics will take on the 2nd place finishers in series "A" .That will be followed by 3rd pace vs the 4th place in Series "B" .. The second game in both series goes Thursday night in Garson and in reverse order game 2 of series "B" at 7 PM and game 2 of series "A" at 9 PM .. Should a third and deciding game be needed in either series or both it/they would be played on Monday August the 24th in Azilda. The second round semi finals could stsart as esrly as August 24th or Thursday August 27th .. MANITOULIN MEN'S FASTBALL LEAGUE PLAYOFFS The AOK Sucker Creek Raiders Sweep Their Quarter Final Series In a single playoff game played at Sucker Creek tonight , the Raiders swept their best of 5 series in straight games with a 8-3 victory over the Gore Bay Merchants .The winning pitcher was Sean Assinewai while the loser was Jason Thibault .The Raiders will now await the winner of the "A" series to find out who they'll face in the championship final . That game was played this evening but no results as of yet. DESBORO FASTBALL TOURNAMENT WIKY WINS "C" DIVISION The Wiwemakong Lumberjacks played a tournament in Desboro on the weekend ..The Lumberjucks lost their first two games and had to come by the back door to win the "C" division title . More details on Tuesday . CALENDER FASATBALL TOURNAMENT LOCAL TEAM FROM SUDBURY WINS Two local teams from Sudbury participated in the annual 35 and over Calender tournament over the past weekend. Just coincidence that both teams made it to the finals . In the end the Stewie Orphans o Sudbury defeated the Athletics in the final 4-3 . pitou Paquette hit the solo home run to give the Orphans the victory . Frank Kujawinski of Iroquois Falls (playing for the Orphans) was the tournament's top pitcher with Pat Sr Brennan of the Athletics getting the spprtmanship award. Finally the MVP was given honorrarily to Brad Ringuette. In round robin action the Athletics`went 4-0 and the Orphans 3-1 . Both finalists defesated North Bay teams . The wining team consisted of the following players: Eddy Roy,Paul Stanley ,Shawn Cox , Pitou Paquette ,Billie Monohan ,Blaine Monohan ,Guy Montpellier ,Ali Gills ,Doug Foley ,Mike Bray , Frank Kujawinski, Jordy Dahlvick ,Teddy Ringuette , Gordy Ringuette and Brad Ringuette. DEADLINE REMINDERS To all. teams who have desires to enter the following two fastball tournaments , the deadline of both for the money and the roster is Friday August the 14th .. A] Brad Ringuette Northern Ontario Open Fastball Championships August 21st to 23rd in Azilda at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park cheque labeled Northern Ontario Fastball Championship mailed to Northern OntarioFastball Championships c/o Roger Legendre 968 Jeanne D'Arc Street Hanmer , Ont. P3P 1R9 B] 1st ever ISC II Qualifier leading to a Northern berth in the ToC in Midland Michigan for 2010 August 28th to 30th at Tery Fox Sports Complex cheque labelled ISC II Canada East mailed Blair Setford 2927 Nipiwin Drive Mississauga Ont. L5N 1Y1 Yours in fastball Roger Legendre Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League Public Relations Liaison/Advisor Northern Ontario Fastball Championships and ISC II Qualifier Co-convenor and chairperson Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com fastb...@pmihrm.com NEWS-1: http://www.AlsFastball.com/ NEWS-2: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball ISC World Tournament, August 14-21, http://www.iscfastpitch.com/
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