NORTH YORK,ON - The Softball Ontario Coaches Program is pleased to announce the pilot ofthe Competition-Introduction, Softball On Field Evaluation Clinic(OFE Clinic). Chatham Minor Girls Softball Association is partnering withSoftball Ontario to host the OFE Clinic on Saturday, December 6, 2009 andSunday, December 7, 2009. The Evaluation Clinic is funded by the Questfor Gold Program-Coach Enhancement category. What isCompetition Introduction, Softball? Competition Introduction, Softball is the first CoachingClinic available in the NCCP Competitive Stream. In the CompetitiveStream, Coaches usually have previous coaching experience or are formerathletes in the sport. They tend to work with athletes over the long term toimprove performance, often in preparation for provincial, national, andinternational competitions. There are three (3) components toCompetition Introduction, Softball which includes: What toCoach (16 hours) How to Coach (16 hours) On Field Evaluation (1.5 hours) The On FieldEvaluation component (OFE Clinic) is the final step in becomingCertified in Competition Introduction,Softball. Please note that Competition-Introduction, Softball hasreplaced Level 1 and Level 2 in the old NCCP. Who is eligible for the upcoming OFE Clinic? To beeligible to apply for the OFE Clinic in Chatham, ON, Coaches must have takenWhat to Coach, How to Coach, have successfullycompleted the on-line Make Ethical Decisions test are consideredTrained in Competition-Introduction, Softball. The OFE Clinic is available to all eligible Coaches who areTrained in Competition-Introduction, Softball on a first-come-first -bias and is limited to seven (7) Coaches per day. What do Ineed to do to attend? Interested softball Coaches are asked to complete an application form and sendit into the Softball Ontario office by fax at 416-426-7368 or email to Be sure to get your application in today! Here is the link to theapplication: SoftballCoaches must have the following items to be prepared prior to the clinic andsent into the Softball Ontario office for the Evaluators to review: Practice Plan An outline of a full practice for 1.5 -2 hours of a specific skill (i.e. throwing, bunting, etc.) Coach Portfolio Completed with all the Coaches current information Emergency Action Plan To be used from their current practice facility or softball diamond The abovelisted items must be sent to the Softball Ontario office no later than Friday, November 27, 2009. Coaches should be prepared to participate in the following activities duringthe Evaluation Process: Implement a 45 minute practice while instructing a specific skill with guest athletes to demonstrate their competencies of the theory and technical components learned from What to Coach and How to Coach Write a Skill Analysis test after reviewing video of athletes and determining how to re-direct them to improve their skills Have introductory and exit interview with one of Softball Ontarios qualified NCCP Evaluators SoftballOntario delivers the National Coaching Certification Program and Coach Educationon behalf of Softball Canada and the Coaching Association of Canada in theProvince of Ontario for the sport of Softball. If you haveany questions regarding the Softball Ontario Coaches Program or the NationalCoaching Certification Program, please contact Steph Sutton via email at ssutton(at) -30- SoftballOntario is the governing body for the sport of softball in Ontario. Our goal isto promote and develop the sport of softball for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs and services at all levels of competitions. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA
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