Received: 7/25/07 1:44:00 AM From: "Steven L. Banasick" <lightdoc(at)>
Subject: Southwestern PA Mens Fastpitch Fall Classic "All Wooden Bat" Tourney -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Southwestern PA Fay West Mens Fastpitch Fall Softball Classic, Sponsored by BWP BATS,LLC., "AN ALL WOODEN BAT TOURNEY" will be held August 24th, 25th & 26th, 2007, in Scottdale, PA. Class C & B Entry Fee $300.00 3 Game Guarantee (NAFA Style Bracket) Limited to the first 12 Teams Bats will be provided by BWP Bats, LLC. DUDLEY SB12... Ball Used Regulation Field Fences set at 245 ft. at both fields Team Committments already entered: 9 CMB (Detroit, MI) Macks Pub (Burgettstown, PA) Diamonds, (Fairmont WV) PA Power, (Eastern, PA) Franks (Akron, OH) Leadgens (Greensburg,PA) Carson's Pub (Scottdale,PA) Silverbacks, (Scottdale,PA) Huffman's Auto, (Mt. Pleasant,PA) Exceptions to the rules: You may use an (EH) Extra Hitter in your lineup. The Use of a (DH) can also be added to your lineup. And for teams to allow an extra player into the game. The use of a (TP) Twin Player will be allowed for any position. The TP works as such. Two Players occupy one slot in your lineup. They may interchange free throughout the game without being charged as a move or re-entry, however; if either is subsituted for both players are done for the game and can not re-enter. Pitchers will be allowed a re-entry too. A special interest... We'd love to have one of the Neighboring teams from Canada attend this event, After all we're only about 4 hours from Niagra Falls, just south of Pittsburgh, PA. For more information contact: Steven Banasick @ 724-887-0458 lightdoc(at) Scott Miller @ 724-887-0349 Deadline to enter August 14th. or when entries max out. Hope to see you here. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at) [EMAIL PROTECTED] NEWS-1: NEWS-2: VIA _______________________________________________ Alsfastball mailing list