On 07/10/2017 09:34 AM, Gao Kai wrote:
> Hi Vijay,
> I'm very sorry for the delay. Could I schedule a slot as follows?
> Name of presenter: Dawn Chen
> Length of presentation: 10-15min
> Associated draft: draft-gao-routing-state-abstraction

Gao: I am very sorry, but at this point the agenda is bursting at the
seams and there is absolutely no place for an non-chartered item.

For now, Jan and I will put you in an "overflow" section.  If by some
miracle, we complete ahead of time, you can get a 5' slot; if not, I
am afraid there is nothing much we can do.


- vijay
Vijay K. Gurbani, Bell Laboratories, Nokia Networks
Email: vijay.gurb...@nokia-bell-labs.com / v...@bell-labs.com
Web: https://www.bell-labs.com/usr/vijay.gurbani
Calendar: http://goo.gl/x3Ogq

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